Friday, October 30, 2020

from the swamps of northern florida to the swamps just north of baton rouge

 so i guess i'm starting an OSR blog

anyway, this is a Bard Genre building off of the OG GLOG Bard from A Blasted and Cratered Land, built around the genre of Southern Rock.

the key guiding focus of this genre is being an outsider or marginal figure, whether in the sense of rural against urban, the southern usa against the rest of the world, poor against rich, or what-have-you. there are also a lot of songs about drinking, drugs, living a musician's life, and trying not to get shot while having fun.

there is wisdom and knowledge that comes from being on the margins of polite society and southern rock embraces that marginal status

i don't encourage or approve of the use of "confederate" imagery for this tho - and neither do the Allman Brothers, just FYI.

this hasn't been playtested - nothing i post has been playtested - these are all just thought exercises.

from the swamps of northern florida to the swamps just north of baton rouge

 so i guess i'm starting an OSR blog anyway, this is a Bard Genre building off of  the OG GLOG Bard from A Blasted and Cratered Land , b...